tiistai 17. marraskuuta 2015

Day 32- Back to work

Today at work I finished the top for a customer and packed it ready for sending it. Then I altered another top to make the lining longer, that it would be easy to try on with long skirts. Then I sew labels by hand and cut netting for veils. 

On my way to work there was the most annoying traffic. I had to wait for a bus about an hour! Three buses drove pass the bus stop cause they were full, so I always had to wait for another one. Eventually I got to the bus and the went to work by tube. I was late, and I really hate being late, but there's not much to do about that.. It doesn't seem to help if I leave earlier. 

ready top from the front

french seams

sewing the hem of the lining

exiting the church

When I went to buy lunch from the nearest Tesco, there was this kind and lovely cashier woman who always asks ''how are you?'' then she says ''it's nice to see you again''. That just made my day, cause I was little upset in the morning :). There's atleast one thing I love about London, nice people.

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